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Seven minutes of terror: AI activists turn concerns about killer robots into a movie

President Trump signs an executive order guiding how federal agencies use AI tech

Sciencefiction master Ted Chiang explores the rights and wrongs of AI

Policymakers admit they need to get more intelligent about artificial intelligence

Not fun: Technology experts get real about automations impact on todays jobs

How Microsoft got in on the creation of the worlds first whisky formulated with AI

Microsoft will be adding AI ethics to its standard checklist for product release

Pacific Northwest National Labs chief scientist for AI finds links between tech and national security

Neuroscientists finetune braintospeech translator but theres a long road ahead

White House starts to flesh out AI research plan and raises its profile with AIgov

Sexbot or not Ethicist stimulates debate on the senior sets need for companionship

Fujifilm SonoSite and AI2 team up to add artificial intelligence to ultrasound imaging

Xnor teases an AI gizmo thatll make sure grocery stores keep their shelves stocked

How do you service a computer server Send in the robots Amazon patent says

How generative AI could change the way video games are developed tested and played

Elon Musk takes the wraps off Neuralink brain probe after tests on rats and monkeys

Elon Musk takes the wraps off Neuralink brain probe and aims for human trials

77 teams enter next stage of ANA Avatar XPRIZE competition for virtual travelers

With Elon Musks help three little pigs demonstrate Neuralinks brain implant

Wholl serve as AIs watchdog Experts trade suggestions at AI2 policy workshop

Why Big Data is a bigger deal than venture capital in the artificial intelligence game

Why Fujifilm SonoSite is betting the future of ultrasound on artificial intelligence

The latest chapter in a 100year study says AIs promises and perils are getting real

Policy experts trade ideas for intelligent ways to regulate artificial intelligence

White Houses top techie explains how AI initiative will help Seattle tech community

Study suggests AIs disruptive effect on jobs will hit higher on economic and education scales

Googles Gemini bridges the AI divide but artificial general intelligence remains elusive

AI could make us conversant with critters unlocking conservation tools and serious risks

Robots vs jobs: Report says automation will displace up to 375M workers by 2030

Otto Robotics rebrands as Vivid Robotics wins 49M boost for food automation

Secretive Seattle startup Picnic unveils pizzamaking robot heres how it delivers 300 pieshour

Boston Dynamics Atlas robot learns to run and jump while robot dog gets smarter

Facebook and Microsoft join researchers to set up contest for deepfake video detection

Amazon Microsoft and other titans face scrutiny in report about killerrobot tech